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Pine Lodge & Exmoor by TibY
25 septembre 2006

My first picture !

My first picture !
This is the first picture I took in Pine Lodge. On the evening of my first day , so on the 1st of August 2006 !!This is my everyday landscape, the one I used to see every day when I enjoyed to look by the window the beautyful country of Exmoor.
28 septembre 2006

The bridge and the strim behind the pub

The bridge and the strim behind the pub
A little bridge, a little pretty strim, behind a pub, on the North Devon Show way back.People saied me it used to have more water. But I like how it was this summer. Just beautiful...
25 septembre 2006

...and the second one.

...and the second one.
The next part of my window's view...just on the wright of the first one, same date, same time. It's not easy to notice how far you can see on this picture, but trust me, it is quiet far.
28 septembre 2006

Under this pretty bridge

Under this pretty bridge
Pine Lodge & Exmoor by TibY
Pine Lodge & Exmoor by TibY